新世界 Eureka Nova「Mizuho Crowd Brain 加速計劃」
很高興參加「Mizuho Crowd Brain 加速計劃」 Excited to get started in this cohort of “Mizuho Crowd Brain Accelerator Programme”
很高興參加「Mizuho Crowd Brain 加速計劃」 Excited to get started in this cohort of “Mizuho Crowd Brain Accelerator Programme”
很高興參加「中國移動 OneNET 之星 2.0 物聯網創客馬拉松大賽」 We are pleased to participate in the China Mobile OneNET Star 2.0 IoT Maker Marathon Competition
很高興參加 亞洲最大科技展會 - RISE We are glad to join the largest tech conference in Asia - RISE
必靈科技 成功進入「中國移動 OneNet 物聯網創科比賽」 – 大灣區賽區 四強 BNET-TECH successfully entered China Mobile OneNET Innovative Competition - the top four in the Greater Bay Area
我們很榮幸在「香港資訊及通訊科技獎」中獲得「資訊科技初創企業(硬件與設備)獎」 - 銅獎 We are honoured to obtain the ICT Startup (hardware & devices) Award - Bronze Award in Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019
我們很榮幸見到並邀請 香港行政長官 林鄭月娥 在 2018 年「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會」上嘗試優杖 We are honored to meet and invite Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, to try STICKu in Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) 2018
我們很榮幸成為 2018 年 SciTech 創業比賽的冠軍。我們在過去6個月的培訓和研討會中學到了很多東西。 評委們的建議對改善我們的產品和業務路徑非常有價值。 再次感謝組織舉辦這次活動。 We are honored to be the champion of the SciTech Challenge 2018. We learned a lot from the past 6 months of training and workshops. The advice from the judges was valuable and worthy of improving our product and business path. Thanks once again the organization held the
必靈科技 剛剛加入了 香港科技園 的「 科技創業培育計劃」。 我們搬進了 香港科學園,並在那里工作。乾杯! BNET-TECH has just joined the HKSTP Incu-Tech programme. We are moved-in Hong Kong Science Park and working there. Cheers!
我們很榮幸地被商務及經濟發展局副局長 陳百里 博士 在我們的展台參觀 We are honored to be visited by the Deputy Director of Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Dr. Bernard Chan, at our booth 社創放閃墟詳情 Details of Social Innovation Fair: - 社創放閃墟
謝謝《Hong Kong Business Magazine》雜誌。 必靈科技 真的很榮幸獲得 「Designed In Hong Kong Awards 2018」 Thank you for Hong Kong Business Magazine. BNET-TECH is truly honoured to receive the Awards of Designed in Hong Kong Awards 2018 報導詳情 News details: - Hong Kong Business hails 2018's most exceptional products