Make life better

We believe in technology. Our mission is to educate more people on how technology can make their lives easier, safer, and more comfortable.

As a social enterprise, we reinvest a majority of our profits in the business for our social objectives that is to enhance the safety and mobility of elderly.

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Scale is not an obstacle of innovation



Founded in 2016, we are a small startup company with a big vision moving forwards. We are motivated by developing innovative products and are always searching for overlooked products that utilize technology in creative ways. Every product and service we offer aim to meet three target requirements: Simple, Easy, and Convenient!

STICKu in the News

Want to see the News’ detail?  Scroll to timeline below now.

Support Organization

Awards Received


Winning in the HKB Designed in Hong Kong Awards 2018
Winning in the HKB Designed in Hong Kong Awards 2018

謝謝《Hong Kong Business Magazine》雜誌。 必靈科技 真的很榮幸獲得 「Designed In Hong Kong Awards 2018」

Thank you for Hong Kong Business Magazine. BNET-TECH is truly honoured to receive the Awards of Designed in Hong Kong Awards 2018


報導詳情 News details:

– Hong Kong Business hails 2018’s most exceptional products

香港智營設計大賞 2018 Hong Kong Smart Design Awards 2018
香港智營設計大賞 2018 Hong Kong Smart Design Awards 2018

必靈科技 非常榮幸獲得「香港智營設計大賞 2018」的三項大獎

BNET-TECH is so honored to obtain 3 Awards in Hong Kong Smart Design Awards 2018


「香港智營設計大賞」詳情 Details of the HKSDA:

– HongKong Smart Design Awards list 香港智營設計大賞 得奬名單

香港01 – 「3智城」計劃 以 NB-IoT 激活本地創科企業
香港01 – 「3智城」計劃 以 NB-IoT 激活本地創科企業

感謝 3 香港 為 必靈科技 提供 NB-IoT 技術支援

Thank you 3 Hong Kong for providing NB-IoT technical support to BNET-TECH


報導詳情 News details:
-「3智城」計劃 以NB-IoT激活本地創科企業

《創科導航》專訪 Innovation GPS Interview
《創科導航》專訪 Innovation GPS Interview

必靈科技 接受 電視廣播有限公司《創科導航》專訪

BNET-TECH accepted an interview with Innovation GPS of TVB


節目詳情 TV program details:
– 創科導航

加入「3智城」計劃 We are a member of 3 InnoCity
加入「3智城」計劃 We are a member of 3 InnoCity


We are honored to be a member of 3 InnoCity, working together to make Hong Kong a smart city


計劃詳情 Program details:
– Focus Project in 3InnoCity


充電器的新設計! New Design of the Charger!
充電器的新設計! New Design of the Charger!

我們會在發布前不斷改進產品的設計。 現在我們設計了STICKu Charger v2.0的新外觀! 更小,更簡單和更智能。 乾杯!

We keep improving the design of the product before launch. Now we designed a new look of STICKu Charger v2.0 !! Smaller, more simple, and smarter. Cheers!

Joined SOW Asia accelerator – AHA! Cohort 2
Joined SOW Asia accelerator – AHA! Cohort 2

我們很榮幸加入 「SOW Asia Accelerator – AHA! Cohort 2」。在接下來的5個月中,我們將與其他4個初創公司一起舉辦研討會,並準備在5月進行推介

We are honored to join the SOW Asia accelerator – AHA! Cohort 2. We will have a workshop with the other 4 startups in the next 5 months and prepare for pitching in May


更多詳情 More details:
– link of SOW Asia – AHA Chort 2

– Active Healthy Ageing (AHA!) Cohort 2 

IoT Pitching@SmartBiz
IoT Pitching@SmartBiz


First Runner-up finally!


更多詳情 More details:
– 了解更多 Click here

明報 Ming Pao
明報 Ming Pao

財務部分的新聞報導 ;-)

A news report on the financial section ;-)


報導詳情 News details:
本港初創 攻醫療市場 長者跌倒 智能拐杖懂求救

香港經濟日報 Topick @ hket
香港經濟日報 Topick @ hket